Knit and Natter

This project provides a platform for ladies in the community, to come together to chat to each other over a cup of tea/coffee and light refreshment.

Through this project the ladies are able:

Our knit and Natter projects are currently based in Kearsley and Halliwell wards.

Activities at Knit and Natter Kearsley

Knit and Natter project at Kearsley ward is based at

Kearsley Mount Methodist Church, Manchester Road, Bolton, BL4 8QL and run every Thursday from 12pm-3pm

Activities in Knit and Natter Halliwell

The Knit and Natter Project at Halliwell ward is based at

Halliwell Ucan Centre, Hatfield Road, Bolton, BL1 3BU and run every Friday from 12pm-2.30pm

The items made by members of Knit and Natter Project in both wards are given to people who are in need in the Bolton community. The ladies have been able to make items that were given to:

Precious Memories Project

The aim of this project is to help people living with dementia and their carers to meet other people who are in the same boat as they are, to create friendships and to support each other, and to get involved in their community.

The sessions start with sharing memories over a cup of tea/coffee followed by circle dance that is designed for people living with dementia.

Some of the benefits for people who join in our circle dance are:

The dances are led by trained volunteers. Members of Precious memories Project enjoy it so much that they bring music of their choice for the dance and others learn these dance movements to teach others.

This project also provides information, support and advice for people living with dementia and their carers. It is open to all abilities. Wheelchair users are welcome. There are choices of dancing, sitting or standing. Those who don’t fancy dancing can still come and enjoy watching the others dance.

Precious Memories Project held every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 1.30pm – 3pm at Christ Church, Little Lever, Bolton, BL3 1JE.

Dementia Awareness Project

Many people in minority communities don’t have enough knowledge of dementia. They believe that dementia is an old age thing, something that is normal and is supposed to happen to everyone getting old. People who are diagnosed with dementia in these communities are not taken care of well enough. Their family members and friends don’t know the support that is available for them. This project also helps to transform minority communities into dementia friendly ones.

The Dementia Awareness project helps them to have a better understanding of what dementia is all about and information on the support that is available for people living with dementia. At the moment we are holding awareness in Bolton area.

Generation Reunited Projects

Our culture and society are changing so quickly. The way the older generation was brought up is different from the way the younger generation is being brought up. Many younger children have grandparents who are less than 50 years old. They don’t have much contact with older people. This can give older people a sense of fear and vulnerability when they do encounter the younger generations.

The aim of this project is to bring both generations together in order to have a better understanding of each other, to create relationships amongst each other and to learn from each other. This means they can then contribute better to their communities

Generation Reunited Activities

The project is held in two wards (during term time only)

Kearsley Ward at Saint Stephen School, Bent Spur Road, Bolton, BL4 8PB and

Tonge moor ward at Tonge children centre, 260 Starkie Road, Bolton, BL2 3ED

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