About Precious Gems

At the Heart of the Community

We empower women and girls to fulfil their potential

Women and girls have answers to the issues that are affecting the world today. Majority of the time, they are not given a chance to be part of problem-solving, and they are denied the opportunity to utilise and/or to fulfil their potential. Hence their wellbeing is continually being affected. Precious Gems support women and girls to unveil, utilise and fulfil their potentials so that they can better meet their needs, develop themselves and their community.

At the Heart of the Community

Our Vision

A world where women and girls are happy, valued and thriving.

Our Mission

Advancement of capacity and well-being of women and girls

Core Values

Our Aims

To support women and girls:

We will achieve these by:

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All our latest News & Updates

Latest news from our initiatives

Feast of Hope event

Precious Gems ladies participated in the Feast of Hope event hosted by Bolton Libraries and