About Precious Gems
At the Heart of the Community
We empower women and girls to fulfil their potential
Women and girls have answers to the issues that are affecting the world today. Majority of the time, they are not given a chance to be part of problem-solving, and they are denied the opportunity to utilise and/or to fulfil their potential. Hence their wellbeing is continually being affected. Precious Gems support women and girls to unveil, utilise and fulfil their potentials so that they can better meet their needs, develop themselves and their community.
Our Vision
A world where women and girls are happy, valued and thriving.
Our Mission
Advancement of capacity and well-being of women and girls
Core Values
- Empowerment - Everyone has something to offer in developing the community, and everyone has a say in decision-making.
- Collaboration - We believe in building partnerships and fostering teamwork to deliver the best services.
- Accountability - We take responsibility for our actions and results.
- Respect - We believe in treating everyone with dignity and respecting their opinions and views.
- Excellence - we strive to deliver quality services to the community and to exceed our set goals.
- Diversity - We celebrate the differences of the women and girls we work with.
Our Aims
To support women and girls:
- To be free from abuse and inequality
- To be out of poverty
- To have high self-esteem
- To be in leadership
- To be resilient
We will achieve these by:
- Developing projects that are co-designed and co-owned by women and girls
- Providing training sessions and support to boost the capacity and their wellbeing of women and girls.
- Working in collaboration and partnership with other organisations to deliver the best services that support women and girls
- Supporting women and girls with counselling and advocacy on issues that affects them
- Encouraging women and girls involvement and participation in the development of their community
- Carrying out multi-disciplinary research on factors that can help improve the health and wellbeing of the women and girls, using these findings to advocate policies that will further enhance the capacity of and resilience of the citizens.
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